Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Antipoem of a Life in Progress

I’m afraid the author of this poem will sue me of using his work without permission but then let me say my piece, I do not intend to insult or use your work in a negative manner I am infact giving this good poem justice. This is so nice & is worth publishing. You know who you are & you know I admire your work.


this is not a poem but a grain of sand
crushed underneath you.
because you are a poem,
a poem that spirals like the inside of a seashell
the soft ocean murmur
echoing in your chambers of pearl.
while on the shore,
i am lost. searching for you.

this is not a poem
but a puddle that unmirrors you.
because you are a poem,
a poem taking the form of a storm
pelting the earth with silver slivers of sorrow
while beneath you,
i shiver with the sadness of a lost boy.

this is not poetry
because you are poetry
and i could not capture
you with my
frail net of verses.

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