Thursday, April 17, 2008

... be my baby

This performance made me rave about it for hours. It was Edwin McCain meets Mariah Carey rendition of “Always Be My Baby”. I was just as naïve as the majority of the people who know that MC song, I never thought there’d be other arrangement of that little teeny, cutesy, flirty song before David sang it in D.Cook style.

As early as today in the competition I already know who my bet is. I’m appealing to the American people (as if they’d care about my plea), please vote for David Cook and hopefully no more surprise elimination like last week.

It led me to thinking, if ever MJ was still in the running, what could have been his MC song?


Anonymous said...

hey i like david cook, too! :) he's sooo cute! :)
hey if you have the time, you can view my blog. :)
it's not that good.

Anne said...

hi chazzel, i went to your site it was pretty neat. you write well for someone so young. you can add a shout out box (I recommend cbox it's easy to upload & is user friendly)to it so people can leave you messages.

keep on writing, keep up the good work ;)